Dhoni's Dhurandhars as Hindi media calls team India have layed low and dusted the Aussies. The big mouth Aussies and it's uncivilized media must be dumb struck. They forgot what goes up has to come down.
I praise the humility of Dhoni in victory, and appreciate self control of Team India in face of absolutly shameful behavior of Australian this summer.
While forgetting the fall of Aussies from grace and going on as to how depleted the side has become we must concentrate on the job at hand. Team India is a growing powerhouse of International cricket, and cool humble heads must concentrate on keeping the team well oiled for performances over next ten years.
The success of the team is bad news for Dravid, he hadn't the foresight to retire, now he will never be picked.
To Aussies this defeat is a stark reminder of the fact that much of their success was based on the favor of the umpires their reputed batters had, with honest umpires, Australia can not manage as many victories they managed in last few years.
Hats Off Dhoni...you did well, twenty twenty wasn't a fluke you have made huge inroads towards 50/50 supremacy.
Hats of to Vengsarkar...the selector with Midas touch...If I were BCCI...I would honor him and pay him as big a bonus as the players.
Somaliland has made rapid progress on it's own. Today the young nation stands proud and tall having de-facto recognition from important nations.
Somaliland has achieved a lot, it has progressed virtually without external help, today it has important partners like world bank to help in reconstruction of this ravagaed country.
Somaliland needs water, there is a paucity of perennial rivers, it rains but the run offs either drain into sea or dry up. Water conservation is a problem every where, especially with more developed nations facing the stark realities of issues emerging from their polluted fresh water sources, which cannot be used today without adequate treatment. It rains in horn of Africa and the issue is to conserve and harvest this rain water.
Somaliland needs a movement like we have had in India by Rajendra Singh who created JOHADS (Check Dams) in a dry state of Rajashthan leading to blue revolution. Making adequate water available and today some areas which I could have only imagined as desert are full of vegetation and bio diversity.
These Check dams are simple, they require voluntary labour of the villagers, who create mud and rubble embankments down the hill where rain water stream gush down. These then not only arrest the water flowing down and create a resorvior which comes handy for domestic and irrigation use, but the water that percolates down raises the water table creating scope for fresh and clean water wells not so long in future.
Somaliland needs a Rajendra Singh, the topography of the country is very suitable to create thousands of these JOHADS, and once they are made not only the water shortage will be met, but vegetation cover will increase, and when the water in the check dam dries out after few months the moist area can be used for cultivation.
Benefits are many...nothing better than having a raised water table with wells providing fresh water near these JOHADS after five or so years. Will someone in that country stand up and move the people to go and create these check dams.
For the interested I am giving link to Rajendra Singh's Tarun Bharat Sangh which caused a blue revolution in India...maybe it inspires.
About The Magic Man himself... http://www.tarunbharatsangh.org/media/waterman.htm
People say lot of money and will of god is requied to move things...whereas it just takes one man and some hard labor and fortunes of masses can be changed for a whole lot better.