Tuesday, January 06, 2009


In December maps were floating on the internet thanks to a Pakistani publication as to how most of India will become a part of 'Islamic Republic of Pakistan" by 2020.

Snide observations were made by Indians across the world, the illusions and delusions of Pakistan are still increasing, a state that lives on charity, a military that cannot arm itself without US & China, as a nation that is the most spanked schoolboy in foreign policy issues by world, it appears Pakistan is resorting to last semblance of show of self respect and defiance akin to defiance shown by dictators like Hitler who committed suicide and Saddam Hussein before he was hanged. reasonable thinking and sensible approach is the last thing that is in their minds.

Problem is that wrong information makes people think they do the right thing, even Ajmal Qasab while gunning down scores at VT station thought he was doing the right thing, but the world does not think so, there is a clear distinction between the world view and Pakistani view at the moment.

Economics sanctions will only further help disintegrating Pakistan which today is nothing more of a threatening beggar in world community, and her disintegration may let the nuclear assets of Pakistan fall in hands of Terrorists, who then will target the west with impunity. That's the only reason USA has been funding Pakistan in garb of war against terror in which Pakistan has made a complete fool of Americans. If USA could it would have taken stern action against Pakistan. truth is that it cannot.

So what's holding up rest of the world into taking action, answer is very simple 'possession of nuclear bombs' by Pakistan. That's about all, and in the end it will take courage by a nation to be prepared to take a nuclear hit if it militarily strikes Pakistan, which is a huge deterrent. Thus the policy of any strike against Pakistan will be targeted to cripple nuclear assets of Pakistan. This means the west is now belling the cat, and that cat is India. After Mumbai carnage our western friends are overtly and covertly encouraging India to exercise it's rights as a sovereign nation. With elections around the corner a war with Pakistan and a win will guarantee ten years of power to Congress party which otherwise is sure to lose these elections in India.

A totally different war is in the offing compared to earlier wars with Pakistan, India has become mightier, and economic powerhouse and will launch a shock and awe strikes that we have now come to see, but Pakistan is not Afghanistan or Iraq, it has a committed army and arsenal that will hurt India, there will be collateral damage, once we accept this fact, accept it will hurt, then the result is a foregone conclusion, Pakistan will lose the war terribly.

That brings us to the final question, what is the final objective of the war? Do we wish to occupy Pakistan? I am sure none of the Indians want to be saddled with crores more to feed and generations indoctrinated to foment trouble, so occupation of Pakistan is not a viable objective.

So do we let Pakistan to disintegrate into smaller states, that will result in those states being amiable to states not friendly with India so we will be back to square one. It would be all exercise in futility.

So what's the option? the above argument clearly shows military option is not worth any objective. Economics sanctions will fragment the state and nuclear assets proliferated, it's a bloody catch 22 situation. This situation is the only reason that Pakistan is defiant, unwilling to co-operate and laughably calls itself a responsible nation!

The leaders of the world have a peculiar problem, let's see how they deal with it. India must NOT allow the world to fire a gun off it's shoulder without world committing to equal responsibility, otherwise results could be disastrous.

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